Baishui, Part 2

What wonderful diplomats we have:

Gender, in development

Monday the 21st was our first full day in Baishui, and straight after breakfast we (Prof. Li, some students, Julia, & me) piled into a van and drove into town to visit the county apple bureau. There we had a long meeting with an extension agent/administrator who was very helpful and gave us a lot of information about apple production and cooperatives in Baishui county, including two books on those topics (one in English and one in Chinese – both with lots of pictures). Much like Prof. Li, he was eager to help us and answer our questions. Best of all, everyone was very encouraging about both our survey and photovoice projects. We also met a woman who worked at the bureau, Jinhua, who would be helping arrange our village visits.

Julia and I were hanging out in our room at the apple station after lunch, when we were visited…

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